Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 3 Kan, 2 Uo, 7 Ik

Selamat Jaram! Much has happened since last week! The dark cabalists are scrambling to procure their survival and our Earth allies are maintaining the pressure on them. At present, the dark is working on a plan to use its growing debt as leverage to amass desperately needed capital without which it faces massive bankruptcy from which it can never recover. Knowing this, our Earth allies are focused on denying this infusion of assets to the dark. The prospects are that the dark cabal's strategy to accrue new monies is to fail, and our Earth allies expect this situation to end with the dark's capitulation. When this moment arrives, the dark has no choice but to agree to the terms laid down by the Earth allies. This is when the triumph we have long discussed with you becomes reality! Our Earth allies are ready at that time to formally begin the inauguration of a series of caretaker governments that are to set in motion the various procedures and programs that we have been discussing with you.

These changes in how government on your world operates are the next step on your road to full consciousness. The purpose is to realign government so that it actually reflects what you the people truly intend, and consequently, an extensive exchange between government and the public needs to begin. It is one thing to be accountable, and quite another to be truly representative of public opinion. The intent of the new governance is to have many different opinions come together and be openly expressed. This national conversation need not be muddied by quaint political maneuvers; rather, the objective here is for a range of possibilities to be fully discussed and a reasonable plan of action agreed to by all. Such a proposal requires that the public become aware, educated, and prepared to enter into this national dialogue. Creating such a milieu is a prime goal of these new regimes, which means that in the initial stages, government will be without a working legislature and an ill-conceived judiciary. The point is to re-create these branches so that they uphold Common Law and honor its citizenry.

Another major goal is to review all that was instituted by former governments and work swiftly to correct what is unconstitutional or ineffective. Government manifestly needs to alter its underlying principles, and these caretaker regimes come to power with a well thought out and lengthy agenda. This agenda involves more than bringing prosperity and common sense to this realm: it is about allowing a new consciousness to rise up and be fully embraced. Mother Earth has endured humanity and its dark masters for 13 millennia, and it is time now to graduate to perceptions that bring the power of the Light into full play. You have been marinated for eons in a witches' brew of lies, innuendo, and manipulation, which have brought your societies to the brink of extinction. This folly needs to be replaced with something completely different. This something must be righteous, far-reaching, and inspiring, and able to be quickly manifested by government and, above all, by each of you. This something has been thoroughly mapped out by our Earth allies and by us, and is capable of laying the groundwork for first contact.

What we are talking about is a conscious relationship between humanity and Mother Earth (Gaia). Gaia has long accepted your limited state and provided a safe environment for your many lessons in growth. She has endured endless wars and other excesses that have marked your societies through the ages. The time comes now to return to another level, away from the exploitation of either off-world overlords, like the Anunnaki, or by their earthly minions or cabals. The next step is to take responsibility for your actions. Your new governance needs to accommodate this growth in public responsibility and the Earth allies have designed their agenda with this in mind. A great deal of profound change is to take place which requires your support and your full participation. Policies will be enacted that are geared to this end. A series of revelations will also be announced. We are to take part in this operation after a short period, and then together we can prepare for first contact.

Once the dark is no longer at the helm, a whole lineup of topics is to be broadcast by the new governments. This will be your first opportunity to come together and interact with your new governance. A great prosperity is to roll out. Massive debt forgiveness will occur, and many other actions that liberate your economic potential set in motion. This increases the opportunities for paying more direct attention to government and for forging a new relationship there. The ongoing revelations are to include the disclosure of our benevolent presence and the fact that we have been helping. As many amazing, suppressed technologies are made public, you need to sort out what this all means. We want you to discuss everything openly with each other and with your governments. The age of special-interest corporations is over, leaving the way open for you to assume your responsibilities and create governance you can all be proud of!

To participate in such a world requires a certain diligence. Your wealth is no excuse not to take part in what is happening. Many changes need your feedback and, especially, some follow-up monitoring. Government is to be carried out within the context of Common Law. Mindless, irrational government regulation is at an end, and in its place is your active response. Be ready to contribute and make your voice heard! In a galactic society everyone participates, and each person's ideas and suggestions are regarded as vital to a society's well-being. A society made up of self-actualized individuals works best. Our Earth allies envision you as honored participants in this new open society. Each of you is a sovereign Being. You possess talents and creativity that can bring ingenious and original solutions to bear on any and all problems facing the collective.

Knowing who you truly are is a central component of being fully conscious. This period of inaugurating new governments is when this process of stepping-up to a new personal identity can begin. You need to move beyond the very polarized world of special-interest party politics into a transformative place filled with amazing technologies that allow you to be part of many interlocking communities. These local, regional, and national communities require redefinition. You have been fragmented, indeed 'atomized', by the dark matrix, and positive change on the scale being planned means an about-face in your attitudes and actions. Propelling such change will be the new technological devices which, once widespread, can produce a multileveled web, analogous to neural networks. These networks are to be the foundation for what we are trying to describe to you.

Within the framework created by this new technology you can blossom, rise in consciousness, and get a better idea of what lies ahead. Your future is not merely an improved projection of the current status; you are destined to become someone who can handle a wholly different world, and this world is to come at you full tilt when first contact happens. Prior to that, you will have these small samplings of galactic society. The Light has set an agenda and a timetable for this transformation, and events are happening in secrecy which are to make possible the many astonishing changes to your world. Together with our Agarthan brethren we have instigated ways to hasten our arrival on your shores and these plans are to be introduced to you shortly!

Today, we brought you up to speed regarding developments on your world. We are ready at any moment to carry out first contact with you. This magical moment is to reunite your planet, return you to full consciousness, and set up the foundation for your galactic society and your star-nation. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Planetary Activation Organization | Mailing Address: P. O. Box 4975, El Dorado Hills, California 95762 USA
Voicemail: 808-573-3110 | E-mail: info@paoweb.com | Website address: www.paoweb.com

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Julian Assange - Wikileaks

Julian Assange on the Afghanistan war logs: 'They show the true nature of this war'


July 26, 2010 - Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, explains why he decided to publish ...

4 Hour Witness DVD - Part 1 of 2

Monday, August 09, 2010


SaLuSa - August 9, 2010

These are times when you are dealing with personal battles within. Old beliefs and knowledge that do not carry the new higher vibrations are surfacing for clearing, but sometimes it is hard to let go. You are entering a period of intense changes and the old is breaking down, and the new energies bring truth and all that you require to forge ahead on the pathway to the Golden Age. It will be quite a revelation as you realize the immensity of the changes to self, as your old mindset is easily replaced by all that is pure and wholesome. Indeed, as you progress it becomes easier to move further along the path of Ascension. Making those first positive moves are the hardest, as you will be reluctant to leave your old established ways behind. Sometimes it involves family and friends, and the new you seems somewhat strange to them. You may even experience opposition or direct rejection, as your psyche changes. We would say that it is important to stay your path and not be held back by emotional re-actions. All souls at this time have to decide whether they are going to take the opportunity to ascend, and those that do not are bound to proceed on a different path.

Most likely when the changes commence, a lot of interest will be generated by them. For those souls that are still awakening it may just be the nudge that lifts them up, and gives them the impetus to open up to the truth. We know that the most reluctant souls will be those who have placed their complete faith in religious orders. They will find it difficult to accept that they could have erred in their understanding, or have even been deliberately mislead. For some the challenge will be too much, and they will prefer to hold onto their existing beliefs. That is of course accepted as a show of their freewill choice, and it will be honored. Since you are infinite souls and in reality there is no such thing as time because it is all in the Now, you can spend as much time as you desire at any one level. So Dear Ones do not be too concerned if those souls close to you appear to be content where they stand at present. Certainly if their lessons have not yet been completed, they will want to do so before they move on.

A soul can at anytime ascend if they are ready, but as you know by now the end of this Solar Cycle allows for everyone to ascend. It is a special time when great effort is made by Beings all through the higher dimensions, to get you prepared for it. Say the word and your guides are with you in an instant, and the Angels will oversee your progress. For your part acknowledge their presence and ask for guidance, as without your approval it will be looked upon as interference. That may sound harsh but nothing is allowed to be imposed upon you by others. You may feel that many of your experiences are uncalled for, but we assure you that they are all connected with your life plan. Have you not been made aware that there is no such thing as coincidence, and that is the reason why they are so important to you? Naturally some coincidences appear of no real significance, and may be of minor importance. However, where you experience the harsh reality of life, it is for your spiritual understanding and development.

The difference from where you are now in the present dimension and the higher ones is most substantial, and there you will be living a completely different type of life. Gone will be the drudgery and drag of life as you know it, and if you have any concept of what paradise is like you may have just an impression of what it is like. To live it is almost too difficult to put into words, but you could say it is heavenly, idyllic and enfolds you in its beautiful vibration of Light. How often do you feel tired in your physical body, or suffer pain and disability, well let us say that all of it will be put behind you when you rise up. Such conditions will never be repeated again, as none of the physical problems can relate to your Light body. Its vibrations are so high that nothing can manifest except it is in its perfect expression. When times get hard remind yourself of how short lived they will be, and how in next to no time they will become just distant memories.

The cleansing of Earth moves on and inevitably there will be the passing of many souls as a result. They will be received in the higher dimensions with great love and understanding, and for their part it is something of a release from what is often a very poor standard of living. For those that remain in areas where the worst effects are felt, it is a cry to Humanity to find out whether they can find love and compassion for their own kind. Can you ignore their plight, or are you able to see in others yourself. It is not unusual that in the end times a civilization is tested to see how far they have traveled their spiritual paths. We see a great change for the better than even the early years following the Millennium, when your consciousness levels had already risen up. You are in times when you must reach for your own destiny and allow others to do the same. There are many different paths to the future that have opened up, which is why not everyone's reality is identical.

In some ways you are in a most peculiar time, as you are looking to release yourself from old ties yet they travel along beside you. The cauldron of life bubbles over, and it is a rare mixture of possibilities. However, live your own path and concentrate on what you have envisaged will take you onto Ascension. As you do so the dark energies will be unable to affect you, and a successful conclusion to this life will be assured. There will be more and more distractions, and they are but the final attempts of the dark forces to confuse you. By now you should have learnt how to deal with them, so do not let them concern you or take your focus off your own goal. They are often accompanied by the energies of fear, which is a deliberate ploy to attract your attention. We are most pleased to find that as people wake up to the truth, they are less inclined to fall for the lies and contrived events, that denigrate those who are of the Light and lead people out of duality.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation is bristling with excitement, as matters on Earth are reaching a conclusion. The bubble is about burst, and we are urging allies to seize the opportunity to bring an end to the control of the dark Ones. It will be done without bloodshed and in the most positive manner with a loving intent.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.