Friday, October 29, 2010

AVE MARIA (Bach/Gounod) -- Anna Moffo: Dazzling!

Latest Blue Star Transmission

10-25-10 to 12-25-10
"Perseverance in the Face of Difficulty"

NOTE: Blue Star wishes to include a special message for all people. This message is to remain on the website for the entire year of 2010.

*People of all nations, please listen to what I have to say: this year of 2010 is a year that will never be forgotten. Those who are progressing on their own path of Spiritual evolution at their own pace, will be facing many trials and tribulations FOR A WHILE this year. You are each here on the Earth Star planet for more than 1 reason; all you really need to know about that is that this is the year you all trained for. 2010 is a year to live courageously! All that you know and all that you think you know is being put to the test. How you each handle these tests will be your own measure of greatness, your own meter of your strengths and weaknesses. We will all continue watching over you as will those of the Spirit world. We will aid all those we can. Those who refuse to change, well, their future is now written in stone. The answer to “11-11” is IN “2011.”

I bring greetings to all of our Earthbound cousins and all others who are our kin who are now living among you. Our kin are from many star systems who are here to continue rendering assistance to all. These ones too most definitely deserve our greetings. Now, as I browse the thoughts and mindsets of all peoples on this planet, I can not help but wonder if the fear I see, hear and feel within so many minds is yet recognized by you ones as the result of the deliberate implantation by less evolved Souls as their means of bringing you "down" yet again. In order to successfully defeat those who wish to keep you in fear, you must first recognize what your fears are and WHEN they became exacerbated. I have in the past done my best to inform you ones over and over again about the time periods you are living in. Also I have told you of the necessity of understanding that much tempest and upheaval would be the new "norm" that would confront you on a daily basis for quite a long time. I have also explained, rather patiently I might add, that it is the tempest that is the dying winds of change that births new winds that will align with the NESARA winds. I do know that I have been very clear about these matters, so I can only correctly conclude that many among you ones simply are too afraid to accept the truth while others are too afraid NOT to. I always bring to you ones greetings and truth. I never bring you fear.

Do any of you believe for a nanosecond that we ourselves have no difficulties to face? If you do, then I suggest you speak with all the Souls of our brethren who have been killed by invasive actions committed against them while they HAD been fighting for just cause in the defense of this realm! Each lifetime you have as individuals and as of an aspect of your own Soul Clusters has been fraught with danger and fear every time you descended into matter here. Yet you ones still lose sight of your greatest enemy and your greatest fear. You forget that you are engaged in battle with yourself first and foremost. Until such time that you each as unique individuals can face yourselves and recognize that so often in each lifetime you have allowed yourselves to be the greatest pawns and your own worst nightmares, you can not win against those children of the lesser gods!

Continued at link..../

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oct 13-14 UFOs and 2012

James Gilliland

I have been asked to comment on what I thought about the Transcendors, as well as Stan Fulham's prediction of ufos showing up in mass over major cities. There are a few red flags, which come up for me despite doing the happy dance that the issue is finally hitting the mainstream press. One we have to remember Werner Von Braun's warning eloquently repeated by Carole Rossin. The cold war, Iraq, Iran, terrorists, false flag events like 911, pandemics, economic collapses are all used to keep the masses in fear by the banking, oil, pharmaceutical and war industries. These industries control mainstream media. According to Carole the next manufactured threat will be a mock ET invasion with the use of project blue beam, holographic images of ufos and masters along with other back engineered vehicles from the Secret Space Fleet uncovered by Gary McKinnon. Gary should get a medal not a jail sentence he is a true hero within the UFO community; which should fully get behind him.

That being said we have to use extreme discernment concerning any new appearances of UFOs being considered a threat, invasion scenarios and demonization of all UFOs. We also need to be aware that although the vast majority of off world visitors are benevolent not all ETs have our best interest at heart and some can be self serving with no respect for humanity. These low level contacts have happened in the past, deals were made, trades for technology if they could do human experimentation. This did not go over to well, agreements were broken and governments got a crash course in discernment. There was the option of aligning with the benevolent off worlders yet the leadership of the time did not exercise that option due to the terms. The terms were we needed to end our warlike aggressive nature and get rid of the nuclear weapons if they were to give us any new technologies. This agreement was given to all sides in the cold war.

This next understanding is crucial in understanding off world visitors. The mind in which you seek is the mind in which you connect. You will also frame events according to your reference points and beliefs. Another point is we magnetize people and events to us according to our consciousness. These two points are critical in determining the truth in any situation. A military mindset will see anything they cannot understand, control or dominate as a threat. Beings and ships that can come and go as they wish, impervious to any of our weapons and technology are deemed a threat. The military will do anything to get their hands on these technologies to use them in the war industry because whoever has the best technology in war usually win. The faster, stronger, more destructive the technology the better. The fearful or victims will see off world visitors also as a threat. The religious will see them as demons or angels depending on the branch and the local ministers take on things. The Catholic Church has said UFOs are not to be demonized and Billy Graham calls them Gods other angels. Some Catholic priests have said it only adds to the glory of God, others say they are without original sin and some say they will have no problem baptizing them if they do come. It is my opinion when dealing with a highly evolved race of beings we should not be so arrogant as to think they need us. Especially when they have transcended all material lack, disease, war, cultural and religious boundaries. There are also the Pollyanna's who believe all off world visitors are loving, friendly and have no agenda other than to beam us up and play checkers while the Earth goes through its tribulations having to do nothing on their part to rise to the occasion and be the solution. The everyday citizen according to the polls believe UFOs exist, there is life on other planets and would love to know more. This is their lucky day.

For those who want to know more and move beyond all the disinformation, Hollywood hype, overactive imaginations and hear from experience this message is for you. There are low level contacts, a hybrid program going on for quite some time. This is where the abductions scenarios are coming from. These are the greys and reptilian factions in cahoots with rouge elements in our military and they control the central government through the major corporations. The rites and rituals performed by the illuminati or the N.W.O. New World Order, which controls the corporations, are to draw to and align themselves with these groups and other demonic forces. They lust for power and wealth, dominion over all and have sold their souls becoming puppets for these seen and unseen entities. Some in their own twisted way believe if they can create Armageddon this will force Jesus to come and save the world acting contrary to all his teachings.

The evidence is overwhelming concerning these groups and events. There are those who will scream we work for the cabal for saying there are negative ETs out there yet these very entities work hand and hand with the cabal some knowing and some due to lack of discernment unknowing. The Pollyanna approach can be a form of cognitive dissonance refusal to accept any reality other than ones own where no amount of truth can change ones mind. Then as we said there are those who knowingly work for the very ones they are pointing the finger at. The information concerning UFOs is almost totally controlled even in the UFO community other than a very small minority who have maintained their integrity.

The time is up on Earth for these negative factions. The days of the tyrants and controllers are coming to and end. Any last ditch efforts; false flag operations and mock ET invasions will just insure and quicken their demise. The Earth is evolving, she is moving beyond the frequency of these energies as well as expressions of these energies. This is why the hybrid program was going on. The greys cannot make the shift without our genetics and emotions. They experiment physically, mentally and emotionally and have a long history of not telling the truth. When I hear information coming from the greys this brings up a big red flag whereas discernment is in order.

Another red flag is the carbon emissions and global warming; carbon taxing. We should call this climate change not global warming because according to all the latest statistics the planet is cooling. We need to clean up our land, air and water, stop burning fossil fuels, which are in truth abiotic and plentiful. They need to be replaced with green energy and fueless energy, which has been held back and suppressed by the elite for over 70 years. The nuclear waste is also something that needs to be addressed. There are fueless energy generators that can run the turbins to generate all the electricity we need. There are suppressed off grid technologies as well.

The geo-engineering, aerosol spraying, "Chemtrails" are not cooling down the planet they are creating a toxic mess with carcinogens and biologicals designed to eliminate much of the population. They are creating an environment suitable for the negative factions and many scientists are duped into thinking it is for the greater good. There also are the bought scientists knowingly lying to the public. Spraying aluminum, barium, strontium, and a host of other deadly chemicals and biologicals are not for the greater good and are in fact warming the planet to bring on even more severe Earth Changes. The air, water and land are becoming unsuitable for life and there are even those creating GMO crops to live in these unnatural and poisonous environments knowing they will have the monopoly. also see the movie, What on Earth Are They Spraying.

There is manufactured lack and reckless greed controlling the oil. The gulf spill and other spills, tanker and pipeline disasters to numerous to mention show a long history of greed and profit without any respect for the environment or human life. The oil companies and other corporations own by contribution the majority of politicians, the government and all regulatory agencies. The greed and corruption is monumental. By the people and for the people had been replaced by a dictorial corporate democracy with profit at the expense of humanity and the Earth as the modes operandi. They own the mainstream media a good example of which is the Gulf. The water is 150 times more toxic than necessary to kill all the sea life in some areas yet they say it is now safe to swim in and eat the fish? The oil just mysteriously disappeared. Out of sight, out of the media, out of mind. The air, the water, and the fish are deadly and people are experiencing the side effects mostly unreported by the press. These are the ways of the beast and they are unsustainable, genocidal and without soul or spirit. By their fruits you will know them, a man's or corporations actions define their character and these major corporations are responsible for the pandemics, environmental disasters, the poisoning of the air, land and water. They are responsible for the manufactured lack, poverty, and the unbridled greed causing so many to loose their homes and assets. They are the war and disease profiteers now controlling the government. It is all coming to a head.

These international banksters, war and disease profiteers need war and disease, they need a threat to stay in business. They are the creators of these threats. Don't be distracted by false flag operations, manufactured terrorists, future pandemics. Look at the root cause and source of these problems. When the media is pointing fingers at these dire events there are three fingers pointing back at them and their corporate sponsors.

The last major red flag is predictions as though it will be business and usual and putting off contact until some later date far into the future. Contact is happening NOW. It has been going on since time began. Your ancient history is replete with contact. It is recorded in your ancient texts, religious texts, hieroglyphs and petro glyphs. Who do you think designed and built the pyramids around the world? The oldest trick in the book is to keep you looking back into the past or in some far off distant future. Contact is happening NOW. Between now and 2012 it will not be business as usual and there are those who know this and have prepared for it in massive underground facilities. They actually believe they are going to surface after most of humanity is wiped out and again rule the world. There is no bunker that will save them from themselves, their karma and the fact that they have not risen to the new Earth frequencies. One crack in their facilities and they will be like drowned rats. The cracks are coming.

There are off world visitors coming to Earth. There are beings here, which love humanity deeply and have always been here observing, inspiring warning and praying humanity would awaken, turn away from its aggressive destructive ways. There are those who have been rooted here for quite some time, self- serving factions interfering in Earth's evolution who care nothing for the people or the environment. There are those who are willing participants doing their bidding. They will sell their souls, the health and well being of their families and neighbors for those little green pieces of paper. This is the real threat and it is about to be removed.

The scepter has been passed. The Pleiadians as the main group along with other spiritually and technologically benevolent Star Nations are now taking over. There is the Orion Council of Light, Andromedans, Some Sirians, Arcturians and a few others coming to assist Earth in her transition. The Pleiadians established the colonies of Atlantis and Lemuria therefore there is a karmic as well as genetic connection. In other words lets not call them ETs. How about the greater family of man. The Earth's history as far as humans roaming and colonizing the Earth go back as far as 600 million years. There are artifacts, which have established this. Many on the Earth are more from the stars than from Earth in their souls and they are being activated, awakened to their mission and their higher nature. If you often gaze at the stars, especially a certain constellation odds are you have family there. If you doodle triangles and odd geometry this is another sign. If you feel like you never really fit in, find the greed and aggression here on Earth as well as the destruction of the environment nonsensical and appalling odds are you got the genetic downgrade and are more off world in your soul and with some genetically than from Earth. If you are service oriented into healing and awakening others odds are you came from the heavens. Actually our souls all came from the same source and return to the same source despite all the cultural and religious programs we run on Earth but that is another book in itself.

Now is the time to no longer serve the beast, wake up. A new world is coming, the old world is collapsing. It is unsustainable within the new frequencies. Your entire solar system is entering a new place in the universe, which is highly charged. You are entering an alignment with galactic plane. There is a large body coming your way, which you need to prepare for. Let the old world collapse, remove yourself and stop contributing to the old world. It is beyond restructuring or repair, unsustainable, and corrupt beyond measure. Learn to live in harmony with each other and nature. Living a thoroughly loving joyous abundant life is your god given right. Nature is abundant. Live according to the universal law, universal principles such as Brother/Sisterly Love, Universal Peace, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for all. Anything else will hinder you from making the shift. We know there will always be those who want to continue living a life of denial, they ignore all the signs, dismiss this as fear mongering, unspiritual despite a long history of accuracy and 28 years of warnings concerning the times that are unfolding. That is their right. Their world may not unfold as they have planned for Nature has a different plan but as eternal souls they will come around again and have a second chance in a new body. Hopefully as better listeners.
Pass this far and wide, you have our permission.

James Gilliland

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Sacred Site of Mataniwi

The Sacred Cave have been discovered by Astraelia at the age of 7 and this discovery is the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. It is part of a very ancient megalithic sacred site, whose discovery have been kept a secret for more than 50 years. There are 5 magnificent sacred sites around the Matawini mountain. There is a crystal obelisk in the sacred cave, a megalithic Stonehenge stone circle on the top of the Matawini mountain, & a Cristal Crop Circle of the symbol of the Galactic Federation on the Giant Rock Site. The role of this site is to be an anchoring point in the Light Grid of Earth for the Light current energies that are being channeled toward Earth by the Armada of the Galactic Federation of Light, in preparation for the dimensional spiritual ascension of 2012, that will bring us back to full consciousness.  

See link..../

David Icke interviewed by Jack Blood September 29 2010 -1/4

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

We Are One - Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

We Are One. There Is No Separation. 10-10-10
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles  

Humanity has been through some incredible shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness this past summer. Now the I AM Presence, the God Self of each person, is able to communicate more effectively within the heart and conscious mind. These powerful shifts allowed our I AM Presence to burst the bonds of our manipulative human ego. Once that was God Victoriously accomplished, our I AM Presence escorted this wayward aspect of our personality into the schools of learning in the Inner Planes where it will be transformed. Our human ego is no longer able to manipulate us or to block our forward progress the way it has for aeons of time. This is allowing people everywhere to awaken at an accelerated pace. When people awaken, they lift their hearts and minds, which, in turn, raises their consciousness and allows the Light of God to increase on Earth. When our consciousness is raised and the Light of God increases in our lives, we begin to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” 

We do not need to fully comprehend just why this wondrous event occurred during this particular time, but know that it is the result of the dedicated work of millions of Lightworkers and the entire Company of Heaven over decades of time. Now, day-by-day, the newfound freedom from our human ego is enabling us to more easily hear the “still small voice within.” This phenomenon has the wonderful effect of allowing us to clearly perceive the Oneness of Life and the Divine Truth that all Life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent. We now realize beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are One with ALL Life and that there is no such thing as “us and them.”  Our erroneous belief in separation is what has caused the pain and suffering people are experiencing all over the world.  Our responsibility now is to heal the polarization that was created by our human egos. Never have circumstances been more perfectly aligned to accomplish this mighty feat.

Just imagine, the I AM Presence within each person can now act unimpeded by the sabotaging antics of the human ego. All we have to do is ask our I AM Presence to take dominion of our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions and to guide us through our daily experiences with Divine Intelligence and Reverence for ALL Life. This will help us to stay focused in the Light as we transmute the obsolete behavior patterns that were associated with our human egos.

Our Etheric Bodies are known as “the seat of all memory.” Everything we have experienced through all of our Earthly sojourns is recorded in this vehicle. That means that the memories of our human ego’s devious schemes and deceptions are recorded in this vehicle. Since we are all creatures of habit, if we do not stay focused on our I  AM Presence, it will be easy for us to have a reflex response to our life experiences that imitates our ego’s behavior. That will occur, simply, because that is the way we were used to acting in the past. It is our responsibility to be PRESENT in every moment of our lives. Daily and hourly, we must think and feel aligned with our I AM Presence BEFORE we respond to a situation. Move away from any trace of fear and say to yourself, “I AM my I AM Presence. From this level of Divine Consciousness, how will I respond to this situation? How will I add to the Light of the world with my thoughts, words, feelings, actions, beliefs, and attitudes in this instance?” Then with listening Grace, respond to the Divine Guidance of your I AM Presence.

Without the interference of our human egos, we will hear the guidance of our I AM Presence in new and profound ways. This has been extremely difficult in the past, but that is over. Everything has changed! Listen and Trust yourself.

An easy test to be sure you are responding to the guidance of your I AM Presence and not merely connecting with the etheric records of your human ego is to ask yourself “Is this response free from fear? Is it the most positive way of handling this situation? Does this response involve the highest good for all concerned? Am I adding to the Light of the world by responding in this way?” If your answer is “NO” to any of these questions, the guidance is not coming from your I AM Presence. You are responding from a residual habit of your ego from the past.

Instead of acting out of that old habit, center yourself and ask your I AM Presence for guidance again. Do this as many times as you need to until you are able to answer “YES” to all of the questions.

Many people are not aware on a conscious level that their I AM Presence has succeeded in bursting the bonds of their human ego and that they are now free from their ego’s fear-based manipulation. They may not even realize that they have an I AM Presence. Consequently, they will not know about asking their I AM Presence these important questions before responding to the situations in their life. These people are going to be more prone to act out of the old habits and the obsolete behavior patterns of their human ego. But, fortunately, there is an answer to this problem, and the Company of Heaven is asking for our assistance in resolving this situation.

Since we are One with ALL of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity, we can invoke their I AM Presence on their behalf. Everyone still has the free will to ignore the inner guidance of their I AM Presence, but without the interference from their human ego they will hear this guidance much more easily. The important thing to remember is that our I AM Presence is very practical, therefore the guidance always involves viable options and solutions that will enhance our lives and the lives of others. It is hard to keep resisting this kind of guidance. As we perpetually invoke the I AM Presences of our sisters and brothers around the world and ask THEM to intervene in their lives, eventually, even the most resistant person is going to respond to the heart call of their I AM Presence. Then that person will see the life-enhancing results of their actions, which will motivate them to listen to that inner guidance on a regular basis.

It is impossible for us to truly comprehend the magnitude of what it means for all of us to be free from the manipulation of our egos, but our lives have been transformed. Instead of feeling like we are struggling to accomplish our goals by walking through tar with gale force winds blowing in our face, we are now empowered in new ways by our I AM Presence and the Divine Intervention of the Heavenly Realms. The patterns of perfection we focus on for our individual life and our collective lives as the Family of Humanity, will manifest much more quickly. Through the newly created template of Unity Consciousness and Humanity’s newfound freedom from our human egos, we will cocreate the New Earth in a very tangible way sooner than we ever dreamed possible.

Daily and hourly, things are going to get better on this planet. Pay attention, and empower only that which reflects the Higher Order of Being associated with your I AM Presence. Then you will automatically empower the patterns of perfection for the New Earth through your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings.

KNOW that through your I AM Presence, you are the Divine Qualities of Liberty, Divine Justice, Freedom, and Victory freeing Humanity, and all of the energy bonds within Humanity, which include the relationships and the interactions of all people, all races, all religions, all organizations, and all nations. You are your I AM Presence liberating these interactions into the harmony of a Higher Order of Being, thus expanding the influence of Humanity’s I AM Presence on Earth. You know this Higher Reality within your heart and mind, and through your I AM Presence you are a calm ocean of these Divine Qualities flooding the Earth. 

We have God Victoriously made a quantum leap up the 5th-Dimensional Spiral of Evolution. There is no turning back! Be at Peace, and enjoy the ride. Your time has come.   And so it is.

A RARE OPPORTUNITY - OCTOBER 10, 2010 - 10-10-10

We are all being presented with a rare opportunity to catapult Humanity forward into the consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. On October 10, 2010, 10-10-10, there will be myriad activities of Light around the world that will increase the Light of God on Earth. I would like to share with you one of the events that resonates most deeply in my heart. This event is being orchestrated by an organization named The Power of One.

The Power of One - 10-10-10

We could co-create a whole New World, of the people, by the people, with the planet............Starting now.

Imagine what it would feel like to envision and then create the world we most deeply want. Imagine what Humanity would be capable of if we all could come together as One, starting with endorsing a simple Declaration of Interdependence.

10.10.10 Humanity’s Date with Destiny is a worldwide invitation to begin a new era of planetary healing, global community, and co-creative partnership with all Life. In the powerful venue of the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 10.10.10 invites Humanity to begin the new era by coming together to make a profound, historic and visible demonstration of the collective will to form the Founding Family of the New World.

When we pause for a moment in silence...

When we make the Declaration of Interdependence...

When we declare ourselves the Founding Family of the New World...

When we encourage everyone we know to do the same...

We become a drop that makes countless ripples...

That Create the New World.

TAKE ACTION - The more of us that declare ourselves to be the Founding Family — showing up on 10.10.10 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC, at events around the world, or even virtually — the more visible our collective readiness to create the New World becomes. Isn’t it time?

About Us:  10.10.10. Humanity’s Date with Destiny is organized by Power of One, a 501(c)3 charitable organization in collaboration with an emerging founding family of people and organizations who are declaring themselves ready to co-create the New World. Our mission is to inspire and empower integrated action by people and organizations toward transformation to a peaceful, sustainable global society. Drawing on advanced sciences and collective consciousness, we develop initiatives, partnerships, and collaborations that stimulate creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovative financing and business models in service to the whole.