From: ruth_ryden_newsletter@yahoogroups.com [mailto:ruth_ryden_newsletter@yahoogroups.com]On Behalf Of Ruth Ryden
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 7:07 AM
For many people in the world, this month is the most meaningful, with its religious celebrations and the feelings of good will that pop up even when things are hard. For our household, there are many problems, physical, mental, and financial, that seem to dampen the picture of the pile of gifts under the brightly-lighted trees, yet we are a large family now and help each other as best we can. Nevertheless, we are most grateful to live in a free country, in a beautiful forest community, with the necessities of life that so many others are denied. Our wood shed is full, so we will keep warm and snug under our tall and stately pine trees. Our son has recovered very well from his close call with death and will be back with his family very soon. We enjoyed so much having him with us for the last few months. It’s hard to realize our three children are in their 50’s with their children having families of their own. Life is interesting and challenging, as it should be. Stay warm and in your own place of peace.
Our Wish for you is: A purse full of the dollars you need – a Box full of promises fulfilled – a Package of new and renewed friendships – a Large Carton of unexpected joy and interesting experiences – all wrapped in the Sparkles of God’s Love and Protection!
Masters, give us a look at what the weather and earth changes have in store for us this December so we can prepare for the stormy days and make plans for the nice days to come!
MASTERS: “As you might have expected, December will be a wild and stormy month over most of the northern hemispheres of the world. The Northwest and Southwest sections of the North American Continent that have been unseasonably warm will see a turnaround after the first week and head into very cold temperatures and large amounts of snowfall in the higher elevations. The mid-sections of the continent will endure long periods of snow and rain, as temperatures vary tremendously. The East and Eastern Seaboards that have already been hit so hard will see a week or two of higher temperatures, but very few clear skies. High winds will follow the jet stream as it whips wildly up and down during the month. Outside holiday activities and decorations should be aware of all of this and planned carefully to avoid accidents, especially with electrical elements.
The crust of the planet continues to move, causing many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Rifts in the Pacific plates are increasing, as are quakes in all of the island groups. Australia is feeling minor quakes now from these movements, as is New Zealand. The Western Coasts of the North American Continent are experiencing an increasing number of quakes as the pressure against the mainland is causing new undersea rifts to occur that will make the movements develop up to the 7.0 range very soon. Small cluster quakes are getting to be the norm for most people, but all of you who live in these areas should be aware of the possibility of one or more heavy quakes in December. Volcanic eruptions are popping on almost all land areas in the world now, as the hot inner boiling heat lets off steam. Quakes precede such eruptions so they can at least be predicted and people moved away from the danger. The good news is that your planet will be calming down for a time as December comes to a close, with all of this activity coming down to a whisper during the first few months of the new year, as we see it at the present time. The Earth and your Solar System are moving into a new alignment in your galaxy and have been for some time. All of the planets in your system have been undergoing the same physical changes as has Earth, and in the years to come their alignments within the Solar System will also show great changes.
It is a reality that the pressures and frequencies that have been throwing everything out of kilter has done the same thing to the consciousness of humankind, creating hatred, wars, cruelty and the thirst for power at many levels. Physical beings are just as involved in these changes as is the land you live upon. Understanding these forces and keeping your own conscious levels of Love and Wisdom intact is indeed a difficult road to walk, but it can be done and many of you are doing so; we are so proud of you! The future does hold a brighter forecast for the Earth, the Solar System, and all life within, upon, and above the world you know and love. We are always here to help and advise as you open to your inner guidance.”
“Dear readers, what a wonderful world you occupy – do you really understand that, or just take it for granted? Yes, there are other worlds similar to yours in other galaxies, but in your own solar system, Earth is unique. The life forms, including your own, that have been created and placed into its atmosphere, land, and sea, were created with great care and Love to fit into the lush vegetation and land fit for farming. The planet, however, is still in its formative stages, as you have of course realized by now, and is undergoing stretching and rifting in many parts of the globe. We see this as an ongoing creative effort, but you see the changes that are occurring as frightening and tragic, which it is for you. Populations are on the move, seeking land to farm, countries that are governed by people who care for their own people, and climates that are neither too cold or too hot to live in comfortably. There are great changes occurring in the huge populations of the planet also. Millions have died from starvation, war, mis-management of the necessities of life, and from diseases that seem to spread unconditionally. This is also part of the evolution of your world, and those who have passed back into the universal energy of life have used those experiences to expand their own knowledge and wisdom. They are not, and never have been, lost.
As this holiday season opens in many different countries around the world, the deep feelings of warmth and love for each other emerge again with the music, the celebrations and rites that have for so long helped to intensify the inner Love and communication with the Creator of All Things. Commercial interests have made a mockery out of many aspects of these celebrations, to be sure, but underneath it all, the realization that humanity is not just a life form scattered around a forming planet, but a very centralized expression of the Souls created, and being created, by the Superior Intelligence of the Universe to learn and experience all there is. During all of these current governmental and financial problems, all of the fears of keeping homes and having enough to eat and clothe the families, it is a special time for each of you to make some time to realize who you really are, how you really feel about yourself and your world, what you want to do with your lives, and how to realize your talents and abilities to the fullest. Even if everything seems in a fog of despair, what and who you are is the central strength of your Everlasting Soul, and when you acknowledge that, the answers will come to overcome the problems. Use this holiday season as a pointer to the sense of rightness in the world, realizing that you are the strength and Love that makes the difference, not only to your own family, but to everyone you see, touch, and speak with. Depression is a state of mind that can only be completely cured by the inner mind and heart; to overcome such defeatism is like swimming to the surface of the mind where there is light and purpose, being in the arms of your own Soul Being and those spiritual beings who are your constant companions and assistants. All of you, use this season as a special time to see things in the light of understanding and Love, without blasting the politicians and CEOs for their failures. Negative thinking and anger has never accomplished anything, and never will..
Think about the words you are using; how do they affect others? Every language has thousands of words that express a clear meaning, without making up new negative epithets about what is being said and written. With a new President in the U.S. and many new leaders now taking the stage in many other countries, what they need very much are your positive thoughts, words, and deeds to help them accomplish ways of making your world a better place. If you send e-mails, etc. to these leaders, make your messages express your confidence in their abilities and let them know you will help to make a better world yourselves in any way you can.. Even powerful leaders need to know they are appreciated in some way and need your help.
Giving gifts to your loved ones and friends is a powerful expression of your Love and caring, at this time and every time, for that matter. However, this year, think about what you are giving in a more sensitive way. What do you own that would have a deeper meaning to someone else? Yes, the commercial system needs to have heavy sales in December to keep going, but foolish expenditures just for the sake of tradition is not wise in these hard financial times. A hundred years ago, families made their own gifts, geared to the needs of their loved ones, and these gifts were highly prized. What could you do to create something that would be appreciated and loved by the receiver? When money is tight, a little imagination goes a long way. Personal communication now is more important than ever. Spend a little on a long-distance call to someone you haven’t seen or talked to in a long time, and it will make their holiday something to remember. E-mails are nice, texting on the Blackberries, or whatever, has their place, but the personal voice speaking to another has the vibrations of energy and Love that no electronic gadget can possibly convey.
The gift of Love and Faith was indeed given to humanity so long ago by the Christ Spirit indwelling in a human being. The gift was so tremendous that it has lasted for centuries, although some of the messages have been modified by men who wanted the power. Don’t let this turn you away from the reality of the Universal Presence of the Supreme Intelligence that fills every part of your being. Conserve and respect all living things, for they are your gift, your responsibility, and delight.”
As my gift to you this month, I are sending what was written about healing, in the hope it will give some of you a new insight on what you can do for yourselves. The Universal Laws Series will be continued in the January issue; I felt this was more important at this time. (Ruth)
“There is within you, deeply hidden, the ability to heal your own body from any illness, injury or ailment. Within your body is a specific enzyme that carries the perfect pattern for the body. When it is activated, the enzyme starts broadcasting directions to all cells of the body, directing damaged cells to be replaced, diseased cells to heal, distortions in cells to be re-shaped into perfection. The bodies you have been given are self-perpetuating organisms which can be directed by the conscious mind, as they have always been directed from the subconscious mind.
Immortality seems to be a wonderful goal, and it is possible to attain.. But remember, your real, spiritual life is restricted enormously by remaining in the physical plane. Until you have experienced the soaring, wonderful spiritual Love and beingness during deep meditation, you will not understand this. The spiritual being you really are enters into the physical body only to experience the challenges of density, continuing to rise in knowledge until it is ready to return to the Creator in complete fullness of consciousness; the excess time that the body remains in the third dimension only delays this process. However, there is no need to live in physical misery while you are embodied. There are many healers today who have the unconscious knowledge of the healing process and, when they lay their hands on others to heal, are in truth activating the “Healing Enzyme” in the body of the other, giving it the go-ahead to start the healing process. The healers call for energy from God, the energy enters the body of the one seeking help, providing a jump-start for the enzyme, and healing is commenced. This is the way Jesus, the Christ, healed when walking the Earth.
There are cases where this cluster of nerves has been so damaged that production of the enzyme is impossible because of the injury. Otherwise, the cells are well protected and lie dormant until activated.
During meditation, the focus of the mind must be transferred to that area of the brain and a direct command is to be given for the enzyme to come forth and be fully active in the body. You will feel not only a tingling at that spot, but a sharp pain as the energy it contains explodes into life. Do not be alarmed; just relax and let it be. From then on, when you have need of physical healing, simply direct the enzyme with your conscious mind to take care of it. Focus your attention upon the afflicted part of your body and command that it be healed. Simple as that? Yes, but it will take time and practice to be really effective. Using the command regularly while in a light meditative state will be of great help, keeping this influence in your body activated. If the effectiveness of the enzyme seems to fail, this procedure may be repeated as often as necessary. To the extent that an individual’s conscious thoughts are in balance enough to recognize that mental problems exist, directing personal healing for the mind will be accomplished in the same manner. Deep sorrows, hatreds that cannot be controlled by the mind, depression, etc., can be gently dissipated with the Healing Enzyme. In many cases, this kind of healing will need to be done by another who is proficient in activating the enzyme. A diseased mind cannot activate or control the Healing Enzyme.
Can torn flesh be healed in this way? Yes, it can. This is the way “miracle” healings are accomplished; broken bones and tortured flesh will come together and be made whole. This is the secret humankind has been waiting for. You have always been in full command of your own bodies and your own lives; humanity has just started to understand this reality. In the times to come, there will be no need for physicians as you and your descendants learn to take care of your own physical needs, although there will always be the need of one person for another, to share Love and energy. When a person is seriously hurt and cannot command his/her body, another person can always intercede and activate the healing enzyme. Human beings will always need each other as they need the very Light of the Father of Creation around them at all times.
If the request is denied for any reason, you will feel an almost solid wall come between you and the one you are trying to help heal, and any energy you try to transmit will be turned back. The spiritual Higher Self of each human being has full and Free Will, always, and many are they who have determined before human birth to exit the world at a certain time or for certain reasons, or to suffer physical pain or disabilities, even if the conscious mind is unaware of that purpose.
Use the knowledge of the Healing Enzyme with yourself first. Train yourself in its use; see and understand what happens in your own body as you finally achieve the activation. When you feel you are in full control of this process, then, and only then, should you try to help others in this way. You have a saying, “A Little Knowledge Can be Dangerous!”. It can be dangerous, in this instance, by giving another person a great degree of hope that may become a disappointment if the process is not handled properly.. Unless the mind is vibrating at the highest level of the third dimension or the lower levels of the fourth dimension, the enzyme will not activate in the proper frequency, becoming, not dangerous, but simply ineffective. This is why it is important to take time to reach the right vibration of the consciousness during meditation to be able to activate the enzyme. A healer has a great responsibility when sending energy to another, both physically and emotionally; healing should not be attempted, whether by this modality, or any other, unless the healer is well prepared.
Use this knowledge within the Light of God. Use it with Love for yourself and for others; use it because the time has come for you to do so. God Bless you in your efforts.”
Dear readers, my thanks go out to those who have sent donations to help me continue this newsletter - any amount is always appreciated and well used. The newsletter is being distributed free of charge, but a little help always makes it easier. I am still doing readings for those who need some spiritual insight in their lives, with communication with each person’s personal Guides and Teachers. Ask for information.
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Sent with Love and Blessings:
Ruth Ryden
HC 7, Box 313
Payson, Arizona 85541-8578
(928) 474-3515
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