Sunday, July 04, 2010

The Big Squeeze - Commander Soltec

Cmdr. Mariel Novios

This message was transmitted by Commander Soltec, Head of Scientific Division of the Ashtar Command, through his scribe Dr. Edwin M. Young. It accurately reflects the current thinking at the etherian level. ~Ashtar
Ceres Anthonious "Toniose" Soltec: The Big Squeeze ~ 6/27/10
Received by Dr. Edwin M. Young
An exceptional message from Commander Soltec about the Gulf Oil Spill:
Good evening, my scribe. Yes, it is your longtime friend and scientific colleague, Toniose. And yes, you have been hearing parts of this message for many days now, as certain ones, more attuned than most to Truth, have been moved to ask you about the mess in the Gulf. The question indeed compels the answer. Thank you for taking the time to write for me, that we might provide insight for a wider questioning audience.

By all means, I would expect nothing less than that you demand a proper identification of my energy, no matter how familiar my energy signature might seem: I am more formally known as Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec. I am the Geophysical Commander of this present Earth Transition Project. I am of the team known as the Host of God. I come in the Radiant Light of the One who created All That Is, in service to those who seek Truth. My domain of expertise and responsibility reaches far beyond what is known as the science of geophysics on your planet, since your current level of understanding lacks much in the way of appreciation for the CONSCIOUS nature of great and compassionate planetary beings like your Mother Earth.

Many ones at various stages of spiritual awakening are asking at this time for insights about the tragic situation unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico region of your United States . To various degrees ones are finding that they are literally feeling the effects of this event—even ones who, in the past at least, did not consider themselves particularly sensitive to such occurrences. However, as you ones “on the Path” allow yourselves to become more filled with Light, as this transitional time progresses, you will notice yourselves ever more sensitive to everything around you until, like we from the Higher Realms, you take it as a natural state to feel a Oneness with All That Is. As this connection intensifies, the idea of inflicting hurt in any circumstance will become deeply repulsive—whether such concerns little puppies or large planets, no matter how forgiving either may be by nature.

As we of the Host have told you many times in our past messages, this is an era of The Great Awakening and The Great Cleansing, when important lessons in spiritual growth would play themselves out in your physical arena in an accelerated and sometimes intensely blunt fashion. This exercise applies as much to the Dark Energies, who are valiantly attempting to hold onto their longstanding planetary control mechanisms (especially money and energy), as it applies to those of you operating in more of a Lighted manner.
The more aligned with the Light you are, the more comfortable you will become as the incoming Light continues to increase in both intensity and frequency. In response to this present challenging environment, you have, for some time now, been constantly making adjustments in the underlying energy structures which support and maintain your physical, mental, and emotional bodies—especially as you shed buried emotional scars left over from past lessons in this Earth schoolroom. Like a tennis ball thrown into a swimming pool full of activity, you may get jostled around a lot, and temporarily even get submerged now and then, but you’ll find yourself generally floating to the water’s surface, so to speak, due to the buoyancy that results from your Light. As we have long suggested, making an effort each day to be quiet and connect within to Source will go a long way toward bringing a measure of balance and inner peace to offset the outer chaos that may be unfolding all around you as matters intensify between the Light and Dark.

That outer chaos is largely the result of how the incoming Light is bothering the Dark Energies. Like the melting of snow-men and their elaborate snow-forts as the seasons move into the warmth of summer, these Dark ones are experiencing the gradual yet utter dissolution of all that they have worked so diligently to achieve over many centuries of clever manipulation of humanity. Thus you are observing (and perhaps even experiencing firsthand through such as economic hardship) their roaring tantrums over this losing situation.

Their anger is often vented through stepped-up manipulation of negative-impact events, carried out mostly through various worldwide human puppetry, some of whom you recognize as the so-called elite controllers of your planet and their international corporate minions. These shenanigans are typically designed to generate outpourings of fear and anger from the masses (especially hoping to pull down you highly Lighted ones) since the more low-frequency energies they cause to be sent into the planetary ethers, the more that helps to buy them time by keeping the “temperature” cooler in terms of the energy climate they need to remain comfortable and effective. So the less YOU become caught up in THEIR shenanigans (through contributing any outpourings of negative emotions), the less they can continue to tolerate remaining around you or this planet.

My scribe had quite a laugh a few weeks ago when, in response to a friend’s question, I first shared a mental picture of where these Dark Energies and their puppetry are stuck at this time in the unfolding events of your planetary transformation: Perhaps you have seen comic-relief video clips on the evening news of some “unfortunate” thief, who had been intent on robbing some closed convenience store in the middle of the night, but who had managed to get himself royally stuck in an air-conditioning ceiling vent that was supposed to be his clever route of entry into the store. Consider the point in his plight shortly BEFORE he finally has to “cry uncle” and pull out his cell phone to call 911 for help; it is a point of the most sickening frustration, then anguish, and finally, realization and acceptance of the inevitable. Once he makes that call his game is over, as he and his intentions become exposed for all to see on the next day’s local news.

It would be useful to keep that picture of the ill-fated thief in mind—stuck, as your expression goes, “between a rock and a hard place”—as you watch what is going on with the extremely toxic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico (among other unravelings of the Dark Energy power structure). Intense and profound spiritual lessons are underway on many levels. Let us consider a few of the perhaps less obvious ones:

First of all, the very corporate arm of the elite who have consistently (and often ruthlessly) suppressed, for most of the last century, all of the so-called “free-energy” modalities gifted to your planet through various inventors, that would have rendered oil (a natural fluid of Mother Earth’s circulatory system) unnecessary ever as an energy source, are the ones squarely and quite publicly “on trial” at the center of this mess in the Gulf. And all attempts to soften the situation through expensive media PR campaigns have only backfired on them.

But such “poetic justice” is hardly the end of their dilemma. Those who operate under Dark control are never known to exercise any degree of intelligent or moral balance in their pursuits (think, for example, Bernie Madoff), and this case is no exception.
These ones have ignored the already well known (if not publicly admitted) geophysical dangers of deep-water, deep-well drilling, zealously tapping into levels of Mother Earth’s planetary body where tectonic plate-driven fluid pressures exceed the limits of your present technical capabilities. For example, it does not take profound scientific genius to appreciate how hooking up a normal-strength garden hose to your corner hydrant, that operates at fire-hose water pressures, is going to be a recipe for uncontrollable disaster. And as many of you intuitively suspect, much of the fallout from the Gulf oil spill (and even more dangerous attempted fixes) has not—yet—even been revealed by your well-controlled (so far) major news outlets. Those damning revelations will be left to their proper time in this unfolding spiritual lesson.

So you have a situation that, on nearly all fronts, is actually beyond your present human technology to fix. Various attempts that have been paraded on your news programs are more like dog-and-pony shows, meant to give an illusion of engineering competency. Of course the fervent hope is that you-the-people aren’t technically savvy enough to see through such charades, especially with the media’s lapdog collusion. But while such deceptions may buy some time, do you perhaps see a parallel between this jam and that of the thief stuck in the air-conditioning vent?

So now I ask you a question to ponder: WHO do you suppose these stuck, oil-soaked thieves will eventually—if begrudgingly—have to call for 911 help? Hint: It’s certainly not the first time we of the Host (and our Galactic Federation brotherhood) have been called to respond to dangerous matters that have gotten out-of-control on your planet (think, for example, Chernobyl ). What if THIS time, when taking into account all the beautiful and heartfelt prayers from you Lighted ones asking for our help, we decide it is better to NOT keep our fix-it presence as cloaked as we have in so many past events? In that case your world would never be the same again—and many of you would say: “Well, it’s about time!”

Yes, the call (911 or other) most certainly compels the answer. But what form that answer takes is yet to unfold in the fullness of lessons of most value to the spiritual growth of all. I leave you with more than enough to ponder for now.

I am Commander Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec of the Host of God of Light and Creation. My duty is that of friend, teacher, and wayshower to all who search for Truth as a path to Wisdom.
Love to All!

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