"To become is our purpose and heritage." "When the time comes for each of you to stand forth in your own truth, it is then that you will know how committed you are to creating the new paradigm of experience".
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Spirit Light Resources - Meg Blackburn Losey, PH.D.
Message from the Masters:
Message from the Unified Council
July 26, 2010
* Note from Meg ~ This message is about as strong as they come. It is clear in its intent and to many of you may seem as if we have gone off the deep end. I hesitated whether or not to put this out because of how many may take it and frankly I expect it will create quite a stir. So be it.
I do not see this as a message of fear, but one of deep truth that many of us don’t like to hear. That they came and delivered this message in the way that they have tells me that it is time fir us to listen deeply to the message they brought.
If we look beyond our fears, there is truth in this that is undeniable. If it fits wear it, if not, discern for your self, for no one else can. In peace and with all
Meg Blackburn Losey
We greet you in unison.
We wish to speak with you in this now regarding you as humanity. As in all creation there are many aspects of the human race, many colors, traditions and beliefs and yet underlying in all of that is the simple truth that each of you is a soul who is infinite who has come to earth to experience life.
To each of you, your experiences are either similar or far different that that of others. Depending upon where you are in your world, your lives are calm and prosperous or are devastatingly interrupted by war, strife, famine and other trials to living. And yet somehow no matter where you are, the eternal connection between you seems to have become a nebulous aspect of reality, an idea or perhaps and ideal, but not of cold hard reality. Not of unconditional grace.
You are aware of others in your world having different experiences and still it is difficult for the reality of your communal experiences to be felt. The reality of each other has become buried in the necessity to survive, to achieve, to become whatever you imagine it is that you should.
In your very perceptions of value many of you have negated your relations to each other in exchange for competitive or isolated existence. It concerns us deeply that empathy for fellow humans seems to be lacking in many hearts.
Further, it appears that for the most part, living in communion with your earth also lacks truth. There exists great denial as to her true condition. Your earth has been injured many times, and in your current days, there are injuries in place that are devastating life and lives yet who stands up and speaks on her behalf, speaking for her and all those whose lives she supports?
Who stands in the truth of your souls and your planet, commanding change and expecting miracles? Not the general population who consume the natural resources with barely a thought as to their limited availability. Not the general population who has allowed for corporate gold to be the downfall of individual value. Not those in general who remain silent as one injury upon another is inflicted to your planet and therefore your very futures.
As the earth bleeds oil, nuclear tests continue, grids of electromagnetic frequencies in the form of H. A. A. R. P. and other auspices are set up and even directed specifically toward populations in the sea and on earth, lasers and sound are designed to cut to the quick or to destroy human life while ignoring the rules of nature.
Garbage is buried in the ground or dumped on your oceans. The byproducts of fuel and other emissions are released into your atmosphere causing tearing and thinning of your atmosphere. Pollutants spew regularly into your oceans and water supplies, and genetically modified foods are slowly moving through the food change causing mutations in the metabolic processes of most creatures great and small.
Your populations grow without foresight of how to balance all of their needs with the limited resources of your planet. Many crops are utilized for fuel instead of growing something otherwise that could feed starving masses.
As all of this occurs, in general most of you are comfortable and therefore consider that things may not perhaps be as bad as “they” say. No. They are much worse. And they propagate randomly and without restraint or restrictions because not nearly enough souls on your planet have said that they have had enough or have acted on behalf of the planet and therefore the sustaining of life upon it.
These kinds of unawareness cannot go on unendingly as ultimately the integral lack of awareness or concern spreads like a cancer throughout your world allowing for those in power to suck you in even without you knowing. Complacency is viral and manages to interrupt the greater course of humanity into stagnancy and worse, victimization on a grand scale.
To you, these may appear to be harsh words, or perhaps even to your perception, of a negative nature, but then not all truth is borne of fragrant light. Some truths are borne of denial. Often truth brings a reality check that is necessary for a change of direction to occur toward a positive outcome. A change that otherwise would not have taken place.
What you must understand is that what happens upon your Earth, affects worlds upon worlds outside of your current and local reality. The expressions of energy that occur of and on your planet travel across all reality as if propelled by an unstoppable force. The expressions of your consciousness are hears like Clarian calls across all universes and we are listening. We have heard.
In most respects the frequencies of consciousness amongst humanity have risen at an impressive pace while the frequencies of darkness remain less prevalent. They are there, nonetheless, and as always will seek their own balance in the scheme of all things.
In the next few years, you, as beings of the One, have the opportunity to stand and be counted, to speak for your right to survive, to command change in your world, and to believe as you may toward whatever outcome you wish to envision.
You as beings of creation carry within you the light of lights, that which is of the source from which all of us came. Knowing that, you can reach deeply into your beings and ignite the fire within you. It is not to command and fight, but to have mercy upon the ignorant. To raise your voices in righteous anger as others seek to betray you and the land upon which you walk.
Reach deeply within you for the recognition that you are created of the wisdom of the entirety and left to become what ever your free will brings forth. You carry within you the seeds of all time, the races who have come and gone yet contributed to your very existence. You are the children of creation, babes in a span of infinite time, innocent at best and brilliant amongst the stars as well as within our hearts.
No more is the time to be complacent.
No more is the time for indecision.
No more is the time for inaction.
Your planet calls infinitely for your assistance. Its pleas have been heard across the galaxies. Do not let them fall on deaf ears where you stand. Rise up and claim her in the name of humanity and of all who walk upon her as well as those of us who seek to maintain balance within the greater One. We are listening. We are your greatest ally’s.
With sentiments for Universal Peace and balance amongst all things, the message has been given.
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