Wednesday, October 06, 2010

We Are One - Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

We Are One. There Is No Separation. 10-10-10
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles  

Humanity has been through some incredible shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness this past summer. Now the I AM Presence, the God Self of each person, is able to communicate more effectively within the heart and conscious mind. These powerful shifts allowed our I AM Presence to burst the bonds of our manipulative human ego. Once that was God Victoriously accomplished, our I AM Presence escorted this wayward aspect of our personality into the schools of learning in the Inner Planes where it will be transformed. Our human ego is no longer able to manipulate us or to block our forward progress the way it has for aeons of time. This is allowing people everywhere to awaken at an accelerated pace. When people awaken, they lift their hearts and minds, which, in turn, raises their consciousness and allows the Light of God to increase on Earth. When our consciousness is raised and the Light of God increases in our lives, we begin to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” 

We do not need to fully comprehend just why this wondrous event occurred during this particular time, but know that it is the result of the dedicated work of millions of Lightworkers and the entire Company of Heaven over decades of time. Now, day-by-day, the newfound freedom from our human ego is enabling us to more easily hear the “still small voice within.” This phenomenon has the wonderful effect of allowing us to clearly perceive the Oneness of Life and the Divine Truth that all Life is interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent. We now realize beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are One with ALL Life and that there is no such thing as “us and them.”  Our erroneous belief in separation is what has caused the pain and suffering people are experiencing all over the world.  Our responsibility now is to heal the polarization that was created by our human egos. Never have circumstances been more perfectly aligned to accomplish this mighty feat.

Just imagine, the I AM Presence within each person can now act unimpeded by the sabotaging antics of the human ego. All we have to do is ask our I AM Presence to take dominion of our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions and to guide us through our daily experiences with Divine Intelligence and Reverence for ALL Life. This will help us to stay focused in the Light as we transmute the obsolete behavior patterns that were associated with our human egos.

Our Etheric Bodies are known as “the seat of all memory.” Everything we have experienced through all of our Earthly sojourns is recorded in this vehicle. That means that the memories of our human ego’s devious schemes and deceptions are recorded in this vehicle. Since we are all creatures of habit, if we do not stay focused on our I  AM Presence, it will be easy for us to have a reflex response to our life experiences that imitates our ego’s behavior. That will occur, simply, because that is the way we were used to acting in the past. It is our responsibility to be PRESENT in every moment of our lives. Daily and hourly, we must think and feel aligned with our I AM Presence BEFORE we respond to a situation. Move away from any trace of fear and say to yourself, “I AM my I AM Presence. From this level of Divine Consciousness, how will I respond to this situation? How will I add to the Light of the world with my thoughts, words, feelings, actions, beliefs, and attitudes in this instance?” Then with listening Grace, respond to the Divine Guidance of your I AM Presence.

Without the interference of our human egos, we will hear the guidance of our I AM Presence in new and profound ways. This has been extremely difficult in the past, but that is over. Everything has changed! Listen and Trust yourself.

An easy test to be sure you are responding to the guidance of your I AM Presence and not merely connecting with the etheric records of your human ego is to ask yourself “Is this response free from fear? Is it the most positive way of handling this situation? Does this response involve the highest good for all concerned? Am I adding to the Light of the world by responding in this way?” If your answer is “NO” to any of these questions, the guidance is not coming from your I AM Presence. You are responding from a residual habit of your ego from the past.

Instead of acting out of that old habit, center yourself and ask your I AM Presence for guidance again. Do this as many times as you need to until you are able to answer “YES” to all of the questions.

Many people are not aware on a conscious level that their I AM Presence has succeeded in bursting the bonds of their human ego and that they are now free from their ego’s fear-based manipulation. They may not even realize that they have an I AM Presence. Consequently, they will not know about asking their I AM Presence these important questions before responding to the situations in their life. These people are going to be more prone to act out of the old habits and the obsolete behavior patterns of their human ego. But, fortunately, there is an answer to this problem, and the Company of Heaven is asking for our assistance in resolving this situation.

Since we are One with ALL of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity, we can invoke their I AM Presence on their behalf. Everyone still has the free will to ignore the inner guidance of their I AM Presence, but without the interference from their human ego they will hear this guidance much more easily. The important thing to remember is that our I AM Presence is very practical, therefore the guidance always involves viable options and solutions that will enhance our lives and the lives of others. It is hard to keep resisting this kind of guidance. As we perpetually invoke the I AM Presences of our sisters and brothers around the world and ask THEM to intervene in their lives, eventually, even the most resistant person is going to respond to the heart call of their I AM Presence. Then that person will see the life-enhancing results of their actions, which will motivate them to listen to that inner guidance on a regular basis.

It is impossible for us to truly comprehend the magnitude of what it means for all of us to be free from the manipulation of our egos, but our lives have been transformed. Instead of feeling like we are struggling to accomplish our goals by walking through tar with gale force winds blowing in our face, we are now empowered in new ways by our I AM Presence and the Divine Intervention of the Heavenly Realms. The patterns of perfection we focus on for our individual life and our collective lives as the Family of Humanity, will manifest much more quickly. Through the newly created template of Unity Consciousness and Humanity’s newfound freedom from our human egos, we will cocreate the New Earth in a very tangible way sooner than we ever dreamed possible.

Daily and hourly, things are going to get better on this planet. Pay attention, and empower only that which reflects the Higher Order of Being associated with your I AM Presence. Then you will automatically empower the patterns of perfection for the New Earth through your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings.

KNOW that through your I AM Presence, you are the Divine Qualities of Liberty, Divine Justice, Freedom, and Victory freeing Humanity, and all of the energy bonds within Humanity, which include the relationships and the interactions of all people, all races, all religions, all organizations, and all nations. You are your I AM Presence liberating these interactions into the harmony of a Higher Order of Being, thus expanding the influence of Humanity’s I AM Presence on Earth. You know this Higher Reality within your heart and mind, and through your I AM Presence you are a calm ocean of these Divine Qualities flooding the Earth. 

We have God Victoriously made a quantum leap up the 5th-Dimensional Spiral of Evolution. There is no turning back! Be at Peace, and enjoy the ride. Your time has come.   And so it is.

A RARE OPPORTUNITY - OCTOBER 10, 2010 - 10-10-10

We are all being presented with a rare opportunity to catapult Humanity forward into the consciousness of Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life. On October 10, 2010, 10-10-10, there will be myriad activities of Light around the world that will increase the Light of God on Earth. I would like to share with you one of the events that resonates most deeply in my heart. This event is being orchestrated by an organization named The Power of One.

The Power of One - 10-10-10

We could co-create a whole New World, of the people, by the people, with the planet............Starting now.

Imagine what it would feel like to envision and then create the world we most deeply want. Imagine what Humanity would be capable of if we all could come together as One, starting with endorsing a simple Declaration of Interdependence.

10.10.10 Humanity’s Date with Destiny is a worldwide invitation to begin a new era of planetary healing, global community, and co-creative partnership with all Life. In the powerful venue of the National Mall in Washington, D.C., 10.10.10 invites Humanity to begin the new era by coming together to make a profound, historic and visible demonstration of the collective will to form the Founding Family of the New World.

When we pause for a moment in silence...

When we make the Declaration of Interdependence...

When we declare ourselves the Founding Family of the New World...

When we encourage everyone we know to do the same...

We become a drop that makes countless ripples...

That Create the New World.

TAKE ACTION - The more of us that declare ourselves to be the Founding Family — showing up on 10.10.10 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC, at events around the world, or even virtually — the more visible our collective readiness to create the New World becomes. Isn’t it time?

About Us:  10.10.10. Humanity’s Date with Destiny is organized by Power of One, a 501(c)3 charitable organization in collaboration with an emerging founding family of people and organizations who are declaring themselves ready to co-create the New World. Our mission is to inspire and empower integrated action by people and organizations toward transformation to a peaceful, sustainable global society. Drawing on advanced sciences and collective consciousness, we develop initiatives, partnerships, and collaborations that stimulate creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovative financing and business models in service to the whole.

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